Reset Integrator Friction Model in Simulink

バージョン 1.0.0 (38.6 KB) 作成者: Kirk Roffi
A Simulink block diagram of the Reset Integrator friction model from Haessig and Friedland which efficiently simulates stick-slip motion
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更新 2024/3/24


The Reset Integrator is a unique friction model that can efficiently simulate stick-slip motion by representing the microscopic contact as a single elastic bond [1]. The Reset Integrator model has several advantages including 1) accurate representation of stick-slip behavior, 2) it's more application-independent than the Karnopp model, and 3) it has more input parameters than the Dahl model for capturing system-specific behavior [1]. Refer to the research of Rybkiewicz and Leus for an example of applying the Reset Integrator model and comparing its performance with similar models [2].
I've structured the Simulink block diagram such that users can recreate Figure 11 from the original paper based on the single-body spring-mass example [1]. Representative plots are shown below to demonstrate the model performance.
Figure 1: Friction force profile generated by pulling a spring-mass system along a countersurface resulting in stick-slip motion. The model parameters are configured according to Table 1 from the original paper [1]. Solver settings ode45, rel tol 1e-4, simulation time 5 s.
Figure 2: Output position profile of the mass subject to stick-slip motion, corresponding to the friction profile in Figure 1.
[1] Haessig, D.A., Jr. and B. Friedland, On the Modeling and Simulation of Friction. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 1991. 113(3): p. 354-362
[2]Rybkiewicz, M. and M. Leus, Selection of the Friction Model for Numerical Analyses of the Impact of Longitudinal Vibration on Stick-Slip Movement. Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal, 2021. 15(3): p. 277-287.


Kirk Roffi (2024). Reset Integrator Friction Model in Simulink (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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