Penn, Andrew Charles. Resampling Methods for Small Samples or Samples with Complex Dependence Structures [Https://]. Zenodo, 2020, doi:10.5281/ZENODO.3992392.
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バージョン | 公開済み | リリース ノート | |
5.6.0 | This release incorporates Extended (Efron) Information Criterion (EIC), relative likelihood ratios and EIC weights for stepwise regression to `bootlm`. There is also a bug fix that allows `bootbayes` to supports NaN value for PROB input argument. |
5.5.18 | Various improvements relating to the 'auto' prior option of the 'bayesian' method, particularly for posthoc tests. Also added a warning in the bootbayes function when the PRIOR is set to 0. |
5.5.17 | Enhancement to the standard error calculations in `bootwild` and the Cohen's d effect sizes in `bootlm` functions when the method is 'wild'. |
5.5.16 | Fixed bug in `bootstrp` that prevented it from reshaping output (bootstat) correctly when applying vectorized evaluation of bootfun on the data |
5.5.15 | Fixed syntax error that triggered error when printing output for asymmetric bootstrap-t confidence intervals |
5.5.14 | Added option to compute bias-corrected confidence intervals with the `bootint` function. |
5.5.13 | Improved numerical accuracy when solving linear systems in bootlm, bootwild, and bootbayes. Corrected dates that files were modified and updated matlab toolbox and online manual. |
5.5.11 | Minor update which includes modification to the calculation of influence values (used for BCa intervals) such that they are more consistent with the 'empinf' function in the R 'boot' package |
5.5.10 | Add check in 'install.m' that issues warning if 'make.m' was not run first. Minor changes to `randtest` and `randtest2` settings that decides when to use exact vs approx permutations. Added extra output argument 'stats' to `bootstrp` function. |
5.5.9 | Major revamp and improvements to `bootstrp` function. Added new functions `randtest`, `randtest1` and `bootint`. Performance enhancements in `boot`, `bootclust` and `bootknife` functions. Bug fixes in `sampszcalc`. Feature enhancements to `cor`. |
5.5.8 | Added ability in `bootclust` function to accelerate block (or cluster) bootstrap function evaluations by parallel computing. Added to `bootclust` function a third output argument BOOTDATA - a cell array of data resamples. |
5.5.7 | Minor changes to documentation and comments. |
5.5.6 | Added pre-compiled MATLAB mex files for platforms with Apple Silicon processors (boot, smoothmedian), better support for NaN and Inf values (bootlm, bootbayes, bootwild), performance enhancements (bootlm), functionality to calculate standardized para |
| | Added support in bootlm function for NaN or Inf (missing values) in categorical predictors. Minor bug fix when executing bootlm with missing values, when the latter causes bootlm to exclude a whole level of a categorical predictor. |
| | - Added support for logical (true, false) in GROUP in `bootlm`