Show Calling Dependency

バージョン (2.42 KB) 作成者: Zhengdao Wang
A function is provided that shows which functions a script/function calls
ダウンロード: 2K
更新 2007/8/18


The script shows the calling sequence of a function or a script. Given the script/function name, this utility

1. displays a list of functions that are called.

2. generates a .dot file

3. uses Graphviz/dot tool to generate an .eps file that shows the dependency relationship of the functions called directly or indirectly.

4. uses gv to display the .eps file.

In order for the graphical display to work, it needs

1. The "dot" program in Graphviz. See

2. The gv (ghostview) program to show the EPS file.

System functions (those that are not in a directory whose full path name contains the user id) are ignored.


Zhengdao Wang (2025). Show Calling Dependency (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

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作成: R10
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バージョン 公開済み リリース ノート

An improved version of the .m file is available.