Rubberband Line

バージョン (630 Bytes) 作成者: Sandra Preaux
Draws a rubber band line and returns the x y coordinates of the end points.
ダウンロード: 4.2K
更新 2002/3/26



Function to draw a rubberband line and return the start and end points. Usage: [p1,p2]=rbline; or [p1,p2]=rbline(h); where h is an axis handle. Click the mouse in the plot to define the start point. A rubberband line is drawn between the start point and the current point until the mouse is clicked again. The start point, p1, and the end point, p2, are returned. The figure UserData is not available while this function is running but is restored after it ends.


Sandra Preaux (2025). Rubberband Line (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

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作成: R12
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