Smoothing of arbitrary 1D curves

バージョン 1.0.0 (3.36 MB) 作成者: Peter Seibold
Smoothing of curves that are not equal spaced sampled and with not monotonic ascending x values
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更新 2023/10/28


Smoothing of arbitrary 1D curves.
Curves that are not equal spaced sampled and with not monotonic ascending x values.
1 Manual
1.1 Input
The first argument xy is a n x 2 or 2 x n array with the x and y values, n>3.
It must contain numeric values, no NaN
Example: xy = [ 4, 6;
2, 8;
-10, -5;
4, 6 ];
The 2nd argument, called w (width of filter), is optional, see below.
Two modes are possible:
1.) w omitted: Moving triangle auto width filter.
Filter width is automatically determined by the length of the curve
Example: [xes,yes,wout]=smooth1D_NE_NM(xy)
2.) w is set as floating number >0. w is the filter width as length:
0 < w < 0.9 * (length of noisy curve)
Example: [xes,yes,wout]=smooth1DconvNE(xy, 6.7)
1.2 Output
xes: x values of smoothed xy
yes: y values of smoothed xy
wout: filter width used. This may be a little different to the w set by user.
1.3 Error
In case of a bad input, all outputs are set to zero.
2 Method
The steps for smoothing are:
  • Parametrize the noisy curve to x(S) and y(S), S is cumulative curve length
  • Define a filter
  • Extrapolate curve at both ends with a little more than the half filter width
  • Resample the noisy curve including extrapolation
  • Filter xe(Se) and ye(Se) by convolution
For more details read the enclosed pdf.


Peter Seibold (2025). Smoothing of arbitrary 1D curves (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2016a
Windows macOS Linux

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