Framework for differential steering vehicle

A framework for a differential steering vehicle controlled by a PID system tuned with a genetic algo
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更新 2007/4/12


A framework for a differential steering vehicle controlled by a PID system tuned with a genetic algorithm.
The framework provide 2 level of simulation:
constant velocities for the wheels or non constant.
Different kinematics approssimations are provided for scalability so that the designer can implement the controller directly on a microcontroller or DSP.
Different genetic strategies to tune the PID.
The basic task is to follow a straight line but the user can define its own task and tune the PID with the GA.


Paolo Di Prodi (2024). Framework for differential steering vehicle (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2006b
Windows macOS Linux
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