Demo Harvest

Collect all the demos published with MATLAB® from specified directories.
ダウンロード: 1.1K
更新 2016/9/1


Demo Harvest finds and indexes all the published m-files in a given directory or list of directories. In this way it can help you find previous work you are done or it can notify you about new work done by others. It gathers all the demos and builds up an HTML index page. This page lists the title, description and thumbnail for each file. This tool has an option of notifying people by email about the new demos (if any). It also creates an associated RSS feed.
Demo Harvest can be used by a single user or by a group. This helps users keep their demos organized and easy to navigate to different demos of different directories.

NOTE: Before running demoharvest for the first time, open demoharvestConfig.m file to configure
1. dirPath: Path where the output files are to be stored.
2. dirPathUrl: URL to the dirPath (optional).
3. harvestList: List of directories where demoharvest look for demos. For each path in the list URL can also be specified.
4. emailList: demoharvest will notify about the new files, if it finds, to the people in the list (optional).


Santosh Kasula (2024). Demo Harvest (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2007a
Windows macOS Linux
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バージョン 公開済み リリース ノート

Updated license

Changed the MATLAB to MATLAB®.

unnecessary file are removed.