lorentzian fit

バージョン (2.08 KB) 作成者: Yohanan Sivan
In the attached file example i use "nlinfit", which can fit any kind of function that you want. the
ダウンロード: 6.6K
更新 2007/1/15


On the gaussian fit i used "polyfit" which gives you en absolut one solution, but have some problems fitting non-linear model.

In the attached file example i use "nlinfit", which can fit any kind of function that you want. the problem is that you need to give here a starting point.

"main.m" include the example code to use nlinfit.

"data.txt" is data (x,y) that needed to be fitted.

"fun.m" is the function to be fitted, in you case it's lorentzian.


Yohanan Sivan (2024). lorentzian fit (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/13648-lorentzian-fit), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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