Photonic Crystal - Size Measurement

バージョン 1.0.1 (12.2 MB) 作成者: Ngo Nguyen
Measure sizes of circular/triangular holes of photonic crystal structures
ダウンロード: 14
更新 2023/9/22


This MATLAB designer app is used to measure the diameter and period of periodic holes of photonic crystal structures.
  • The image is binarized and filtered small objects (noise)
  • If the air hole is circular, the function imfindcircles is used to detect circles. Center and radius are also calculated.
  • If the air hole is triangular, the areas of objects are measured. Then, the effective length(l) is calculated based on the area (S), l = sqrt(4*S/sqrt(3)).
  • The period is determined by measuring statistics of distances between two closet air holes on horizontal lines.
Note: The number of horizontal lines are calculated automatically using kmeans algorithm.
The reference is USAF 1951 Test Target.


Ngo Nguyen (2024). Photonic Crystal - Size Measurement (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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作成: R2023b
Windows macOS Linux
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