Chaotic Map Analyzer

バージョン 5.0.0 (170 KB) 作成者: HayderMU
A simple tool that helps to understand the behavior of chaotic maps. It displays the bifurcation, histogram, phase, and lyapunov diagrams
ダウンロード: 48
更新 2023/9/14


A simple tool that helps to understand the behavior of chaotic maps. It displays the bifurcation and lyapunove diagram for observing the stablity of the system. It also displays the histogram, phase, iteration diagram at certain growth rate that can be tuned across the system that marked with a red vertical line.. Each figure can be exported into "D:\" path in jpg format.
There are several aparameters that can be altered to oserve the changes in the chaotic map behavior.


Hayder T. Assafli (2023). Chaotic Map Analyzer (<...>), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved September 14, 2023.

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作成: R2020b
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