MATLAB code to generate an animated heart shape GIF

バージョン 1.0.0 (1.39 KB) 作成者: Mehdi Ghasri
This is a MATLAB code that generates an animated GIF of a heart shape.
ダウンロード: 25
更新 2023/8/1


This is a MATLAB code that generates an animated GIF of a heart shape.
The first three lines clear the workspace, command window, and all figures.
The code then defines two arrays x and y that represent the heart shape using parametric equations.
Next, the code sets up the animation by defining the number of frames (nFrames) and creating a sequence of alpha values that will be used to change the transparency of the heart shape. The for loop then iterates over each frame, creating a figure with the current alpha value and adding it to the frames array.
Finally, the code writes the animation to file using the imwrite function. The frames are converted to indexed images, which are then written to a GIF file with a delay of 0.1 seconds between each frame. The resulting file is named heart.gif.


Mehdi Ghasri (2024). MATLAB code to generate an animated heart shape GIF (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2023a
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