Dynamic Load Impact on Power System Swing Curve

バージョン 1.0.0 (1.74 KB) 作成者: recent works
The MATLAB code simulates the swing curve for a power system considering dynamic loads.
ダウンロード: 113
更新 2023/7/1


The swing curve simulation is an important tool for assessing power system stability after a disturbance. This MATLAB code extends the swing curve analysis by incorporating dynamic loads to investigate their influence on generator behavior.
The swing curve is then computed based on the defined parameters, considering the varying dynamic loads. The rotor angle response is calculated by accounting for different stages of fault clearance and sinusoidal variations, with the load values modulated based on the simulation time. This allows for a comprehensive understanding of how dynamic loads impact the swing curve.
The code utilizes MATLAB's plotting capabilities to generate insightful visualizations. The swing curve, rotor speed, electrical power, and generator terminal voltage are plotted as functions of time. These plots facilitate the analysis of the swing curve's behavior under varying dynamic loads, providing valuable insights into the system's transient stability.
By using this code, engineers and researchers can study the impact of dynamic loads on power system stability, enabling informed decision-making regarding system operation, load management, and control strategies.


recent works (2024). Dynamic Load Impact on Power System Swing Curve (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/131813-dynamic-load-impact-on-power-system-swing-curve), MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2013b
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