finding patches of ones in a 2D grid of zeroes

バージョン 1.0.0 (4.33 KB) 作成者: Vincent Moron
These functions could be helpful in atmospheric or oceanic sciences for example to compute the wet patches of a rainfall field.
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更新 2023/6/27


These functions could be helpful in atmospheric or oceanic sciences for example to compute the wet patches of a rainfall field or defining low pressure centers from a MSLP map. tracking_space_unique.m finds a unique patch from a user-defined location and tracking_space_new.m finds all patchs from a 2d grid without any pre-defined locations. find9.m and ponder.m are needed respectively to find neighbour in 2D grid and weight latitudes to compute the centers of each patch. Of course, it is also possible to use these functions on any 2D grid without the reference of lat/lon.


Vincent Moron (2024). finding patches of ones in a 2D grid of zeroes (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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作成: R2023a
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