Solving Economic Load Dispatch using Cheetah Optimizer

The Economic Load Dispatch is a vital optimization problem in power system operation, tackled on an hourly or multi-day basis. The Cheetah o
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更新 2023/6/1


The Economic Load Dispatch is a critical optimization problem that emerges in the operation of power systems. This intricate challenge can be examined on an hourly basis or extended to encompass multiple upcoming days. In addressing both economic dispatch and dynamic economic dispatch problems, the Cheetah optimizer has consistently showcased commendable performance. By leveraging the provided mfiles, it becomes feasible to efficiently solve the optimization problem for a single hour. Furthermore, seamlessly implementing the Cheetah optimizer algorithm for dynamic economic dispatch problems is a straightforward endeavor.
Source: Akbari MA, Zare M, Azizipanah-Abarghooee R, Mirjalili S, Deriche M. The cheetah optimizer: A nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithm for large-scale optimization problems. Scientific Reports. 2022 Jun 29;12(1):10953.


Seyedali Mirjalili (2024). Solving Economic Load Dispatch using Cheetah Optimizer (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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