Understanding the Euler Angles

バージョン (43.6 KB) 作成者: J. Divahar
This is for visualizing the Euler Angles and better understanding of it
ダウンロード: 11.2K
更新 2006/10/12


You can input the angles and the axis about which the co-ordiante has to be rotated to visualize the rotation and orientation.

you will have full control of what elements to be shown in screen, like path,plane of rotation,initial co-ordinate frame,etc

Description in short: : An Educating tool.

Understanding_Euler_Angles.m -- Main program

arrow3d.m -- Function to generate the 3d arrow

Rotations.m -- Computes the orientation of the reference frames and plots it.

Revolve.m -- Function to produce axisymmetric surfaces

Extrude.m -- Function to produce surface s by extruding a 2-d shape.

Cylinder.m -- Function to create a cylinder with closed facesof required radius.

Cone.m -- Function to generate cone.

Banner.jpg -- Author's Banner

Understanding_Euler_Angles.fig -- GUI figure

Total 9 files.


J. Divahar (2024). Understanding the Euler Angles (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/12616-understanding-the-euler-angles), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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作成: R14SP1
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