バージョン 1.0.0 (7.95 KB) 作成者: Ahmed A. Selman
ENEL (EXFOR Nuclear Extraction Library)
ダウンロード: 0
更新 2023/2/20
The code consists from one main calling program (ENEL.m) and 5 functions. User input parameters are required to specify the filename with it's full path, as well as :MF, MT, and Reaction type as a text.
To cite the code please use
Ahmed Abdul-Razzaq Selman, "Reaction Cross Section Variations of (alpha + 22Ne) in 4Msun", Neuroquantology, 2022, 20 (11)5953-5964.


Ahmed A. Selman (2024). ENEL (https://github.com/AASelman/ENEL), GitHub. 取得済み .

Ahmed Abdul-Razzaq Selman, "Reaction Cross Section Variations of (alpha + 22Ne) in 4Msun", Neuroquantology, 2022, 20 (11)5953-5964.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2013b
Windows macOS Linux
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