ABC_CM algorithm

バージョン 1.0.0 (4 KB) 作成者: 墨 墨
A novel artificial bee colony algorithm with competiton principle and memory ability.
ダウンロード: 29
更新 2023/2/14


To improve the performance of basic ABC, we proposed an artificial bee colony variants ABC_CM. Firstly, by the competition principle, a new selection probability is designed based on the nectar difference. Secondly, in the onlooker bee phase, a memory factor is proposed, which is embedded into the movement equation to dynamic control the information inherited from the previous experience. Meanwhile, by the dimension distance between the individuals and the high-quality neighbour, a new disturbance mechanism is designed to further enhance the exploitation ability. Thirdly, a global potential individual is defined and applied to the execution process of the scout bees.


墨 墨 (2024). ABC_CM algorithm (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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作成: R2022b
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