readCDF function for IEEE Common Data Format (CDF) files

readCDF function inputs a filename of an IEEE Common Data Format CDF .txt file and outputs Bus Data, Branch Data, #Buses, #Branches.
ダウンロード: 13
更新 2023/1/28
function [busData, branchData, N, numBranch] = readCDF(filename, options)
Mandatory Inputs:
  1. filename: class::string. Example: "ieee14cdf.txt" or "rawData/ieee9cdf.txt".
Optional Inputs:
[OPTIONAL] reducedBranchColumnsCDFReading: class::boolean. true by default, it is enabled to shave off some of the latter columns of the CDF file as sometimes there are inconsistencies between different CDF files, plus the shaved input columns may NOT be useful to the user, at least for standard Power System Analysis.
[OPTIONAL] verboseCDFReading: class::boolean. false by default. Will output a lot of comments as it reads different parts of the CDF file.
  1. busData: class::table. Outputs an Nx18 MATLAB table with each row containing the corresponding data for each bus. All columns are neatly labelled like 'bus, busName, loadFlowArea, ...'.
  2. branchData: class:table. Outputs a numBranchx15 MATLAB table with each row containing data relevant to each branch of the bus.
  3. N: class:int. Outputs a single integer equal to the number of buses in the power system.
  4. numBranch: class:int. Outputs a single integer equal to the number of branches in the power system.
Built as part of course EE 521 Analysis of Power Systems at Washington State University.


Aryan Ritwajeet Jha (2025). readCDF function for IEEE Common Data Format (CDF) files (, GitHub. に取得済み.

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作成: R2022a
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