
バージョン 1.0 (2.76 MB) 作成者: Ayse Tekes
The mechanisms and machines virtual lab can be used to (1) demonstrate and (2) analyze the position, velocity and acceleration of mechanisms
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更新 2023/1/17

Mechanisms and Machines Virtual Lab

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Machines and Mechanisms Virtual Lab The virtual lab is developed for demonstration, position, velocity, and acceleration analysis of mechanisms and machines.

The Mechanisms and Machines virtual lab consists of the following submodules:

  1. Finding the degree of freedom
  2. Advanced Machine Dynamics: Single pendulum, double pendulum, link types, cart with pendulum, cart with double pendulum, cart with spring and double pendulum, eccentric cam, elliptical trammer, elliptical cam
  3. Buckling and compression beams: various types of beam connections (pinned-pinned, fixed-free, fixed-fixed, fixed-guided,...)
  4. Four-Bar linkages: Grashof and non-Grashof mechanisms
  5. Pulley systems
  6. Five Bar linkages
  7. Straight line generators: Tchebicheff's staright line, Watts straight line, Quick return 1, and Quick return 2 mechanisms
  8. Rotating unbalanced translational system
  9. Beam Engine: Undamped and damped


Ayse Tekes (2024). Mechanisms-and-Machines-Virtual-Lab (, GitHub. 取得済み .

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作成: R2022b
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Machines and Mechanisms Virtual Lab

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