Cascade Correlation Neural Network function

バージョン 1.0.0 (2.44 KB) 作成者: Mark Wang
A function to realize Cascade Correlation Neural Network that can adaptively increase hidden neurons to fit data. The main file is main.m.
ダウンロード: 22
更新 2022/12/13


This is a function to realize Cascade Correlation Neural Network that can adaptively increase hidden neurons to fit data.
The main file is main.m.You may change the data to train,the activation function, and the maximum hidden neuron num. In the current version, the num of output must be 1.
The fundamental formulas are based on the paper below:
Fahlman S, Lebiere C. The cascade-correlation learning architecture[J]. Advances in neural information processing systems, 1989, 2.


Mark Wang (2024). Cascade Correlation Neural Network function (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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