Venn diagram

バージョン (143 KB) 作成者: Man Ho Wong
venn: A simple MATLAB function to draw Venn diagram of two to four sets with optional labels.
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更新 2023/4/19

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venn: A simple MATLAB function to draw Venn diagram of two to four sets with optional labels

User can specify the number of sets to draw (maximum four) and label each set and the intersectional regions between sets.

Man Ho Wong, 2022.


Requirement: MATLAB R2007a or above.

User can download the file venn.m in this repository directly or intall the function via MATLAB's Add-On Explorer.


Input : n [positive integer]
          Number of sets to draw
        sets [string | char | cellstr | numeric]
             An array of set names in left-to-right order
        labels [string | char | cellstr | numeric]
               An array of label names for labeling each section;
               Elements in the array must follow the following order: 
               For diagram with Set A and B, labels for 3 sections are
               A, B and A&B.
               For diagram with Set A, B and C, labels for 7 sections are
               A, B, C, D, A&B, A&C, B&C and A&B&C.                 
               For diagram with Set A, B, C and D, labels for 15 sections
               are A, B, C, D, A&B, A&C, A&D, B&C, B&D, C&D, A&B&C, A&B&D 
               , A&C&D, B&C&D, A&B&C&D.
               Any extra labels will be ignored.
        colors [rows of RGB triplet]
               Color map for fill colors in left-to-right order.
               e.g. [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1] represents red, green, blue;
               If number of colors is less than n, colors will be
        alpha [0 to 1]
              Fill color transparency; 0 = fully transparent.
        edgeC [RGB triplet]
              Edge color (only effective when 'edgeW' is > 0).
        edgeW [positive number]
              Edge width (By default, there is no edge)
        labelC [RGB triplet]
               Color of section labels.

Output : A Veenn diagram will be drawn on a new figure.
         vennfig (optional): A handle to the figure.


Draw three sets with default settings:



Assign names and use random integers as section labels:

mysets = ["A" "B" "C" "D"];
mylabels = randi(100,[15,1]);

Draw two sets with labels; set fill alpha (transparency) to 0.7, set label color to white and use black edges with custom thickness:

venn(2,'sets',mysets,'labels',mylabels,'alpha',0.7,'edgeC',[0 0 0],'labelC',[1 1 1],'edgeW',5);


Draw three sets with labels; set fill alpha to 0 and use black edges with custom thickness:

venn(3,'sets',mysets,'labels',mylabels,'alpha',0,'edgeC',[0 0 0],'edgeW',3);


Draw four sets with labels; use custom color map, set alpha to 0.5 and use white edges with custom thickness:

c = summer(4);
venn(4,'sets',mysets,'labels',mylabels,'colors',c,'alpha',0.5,'edgeC',[1 1 1],'edgeW',3);



This project is licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0.

Cite As

Wong, M. H. (2022). venn: A simple MATLAB function to draw Venn diagram of two to four sets with optional labels. (1.0.0). Zenodo.


Man Ho Wong (2024). Venn diagram (, GitHub. 取得済み .

Wong, Man Ho. Venn: A Simple MATLAB Function to Draw Venn Diagram of Two to Four Sets with Optional Labels. Zenodo, 2022, doi:10.5281/ZENODO.7297812.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2022a
R2007a 以降のリリースと互換性あり
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