Order of accuracy & Stability

バージョン 1.0.0 (11.4 KB) 作成者: Manuel A. Diaz
This snippet shows how I examine the order of accuracy (OOA) and the numerical stability for a given numerical scheme.
ダウンロード: 21
更新 2022/9/26


In this snippet I examine the OOA and the stability for Lele's 6th-order numerical scheme [1] using a challeging stationary-wave problem proposed by Brady & Livescu (2019) [2] using the one-dimensional system of the wave equation.
[1] Lele, Sanjiva K. "Compact finite difference schemes with spectral-like resolution." Journal of computational physics103.1 (1992): 16-42.
[2] Brady, Peter T., and Daniel Livescu. "High-order, stable, and conservative boundary schemes for central and compact finite differences." Computers & Fluids 183 (2019): 84-101.


Manuel A. Diaz (2024). Order of accuracy & Stability (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/118140-order-of-accuracy-stability), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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