Illustration of a fully connected network of peer systems

This one liner script plots a fully connected network of 37 peers using the built-in functions fft(.) and eye(.)
ダウンロード 1 件
更新 2022/9/12


One of the shared MATLAB Central contributions selected as one of the catchy-code as part of the 20th anniversary celebrations.
The code is appended below:
% A one-liner script to geneate a Fully Connected Network of peers..
% It uses the fft(.) and eye(.) built-in MATLAB functions.
plot(fft(eye(37))), axis('equal'),grid;


Dr Raveendranathan K C (2024). Illustration of a fully connected network of peer systems (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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作成: R2022a
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