
バージョン (2.22 KB) 作成者: Richie Cotton
Calculates tick marks at appropriate points for log-scale plots.
ダウンロード: 1.6K
更新 2006/6/28


The default behaviour of MATLAB for log scale plots is to give tick marks only at powers of 10. Where the data varies by only a factor of less than 10000, there aren't enough tick marks to be useful. LOGTICKS calculates tick marks at k*10^j, where k can be in {1,2,5}, {1,2}, or simply {1} over a requested range.

The output is given as a structure with two fields: a vector of tick locations, and a cell array of labels for the ticks.

Please see the picture for an example of its use.


Richie Cotton (2024). logticks (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/11563-logticks), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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作成: R14SP3
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