Tangent search algorithm for feature selection problem

バージョン 1.0.0 (16.8 MB) 作成者: abdesslem layeb
this is a binary implementation of Tangent search algorithm for feature selection problem
ダウンロード: 68
更新 2022/4/1


The Tangent search algorithm uses a mathematical model based on the tangent function to move a given solution toward a better solution. The tangent flight function has the advantage to balance between the exploitation and the exploration search. Moreover, a novel escape procedure is used to avoid to be trapped in local minima. Besides, an adaptive variable step size is also integrated in this algorithm to enhance the convergence capacity.
TSA: the original code of the paper" Layeb, Abdesslem. "Tangent search algorithm for solving optimization problems." Neural Computing and Applications (2022): 1-32."


abdesslem layeb (2024). Tangent search algorithm for feature selection problem (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/109154-tangent-search-algorithm-for-feature-selection-problem), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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作成: R2022a
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