Designing of PID controller for Mass Spring Damper System

Design a PID controller for the above close loop system so the system can operate with a settling time 3 folds of the uncompensated system.
ダウンロード: 297
更新 2022/3/17


In this project, PID controller has been designed by using Simulink in order to control a mass spring damper system which can move any direction. A transfer function for dc motor was added on the diagram. Response curve of the PID controller were fixed by tuning. The computer interface, different control algorithms can be performed on the system easily; control parameters can be set up online, filter algorithms in various structures can be tried and the reaction of these changeable values to the system can be observed. The effects of controller Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) for developing this system have been viewed successfully.


MD. Ether Deowan (2024). Designing of PID controller for Mass Spring Damper System (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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作成: R2018a
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