
Check to see if fname has an older modification date than fname1, fname2, ...
ダウンロード: 2.2K
更新 2007/9/10


USAGE: boolean= younger(fname, fname1, fname2, ...)

Check to see if fname has an older modification date than fname1, fname2, ...

Returns true if at least one of the files fname1, fname2 etc. has a more recent modification date than fname. Returns false otherwise.

If you find any errors, please let me know! (peder at axensten dot se)

fname: Path (string) to file that might need to be updated.

fnameN: String, or cell array of strings, containing file path(s) to files that fname depends upon. If any of these has a modification date that is not older than fname's, then fname needs to be updated. If it is 'checkcallers', the modification dates of all functions in the calling chain are checked too.

if(younger(resultfile, indatafile, which('butchread.m'), 'checkcallers')) result= do_time_consuming_stuff(indatafile, data); save(resultfile 'result');
else result= load(resultfile, 'result');

NOTE: If fname (or all fnameN) doesn't exist, younger returns false.

Version 1.0, 2006-04-19.
Version 1.1, 2006-07-17:
- Now returns true or false, not a (often empty) list of files.
Version 1.2, 2006-11-03:
- Show a much better example.
Version 1.2, 2007-09-09:
- A new option, 'checkcallers'. I present, the modification dates of all callers in the calling chain are checked too.

Copyright (C) Peder Axensten (peder at axensten dot se), 2006.


Peder Axensten (2024). younger (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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バージョン 公開済み リリース ノート

A new option, 'checkcallers'. I present, the modification dates of all callers in the calling chain are checked too.