Vector norm

バージョン (895 Bytes) 作成者: Winston Smith
Returns the vector norm for a specified dimension (e.g. row/col) of a matrix
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更新 2006/4/26


% VNORM - Return the vector norm along specified dimension of A
% VNORM(A) returns the 2-norm along the first non-singleton
% dimension of A
% VNORM(A,dim) return the 2-norm along the dimension 'dim'
% VNORM(A,dim,normtype) returns the norm specified by normtype
% along the dimension 'dim'
% VNORM(A,[],normtype) returns the norm specified by normtype along
% the first non-singleton dimension of A
% normtype may be one of {inf,-inf,positive integer}.
% For a given vector, v, these norms are defined as
% inf: max(abs(v))
% -inf: min(abs(v))
% p (where p is a positive integer): sum(abs(v).^p)^(1/p)
% Examples:
% A = [8 1 6; 3 5 7; 4 -9 2];
% %Columnwise 2-norm (Euclidean norm)
% vnorm(A,1) = [9.4340 10.3441 9.4340];
% vnorm(A,[],2) % Same as above (since first non-singleton dimensions
% % is columnwise and default norm is 2-norm.
% vnorm(A,[],[])% Again, same as above
% % Row-wise maximum of absolute values
% vnorm(A,2,inf) = [8 7 9]';
% % Columnwise minimum of absolute values
% vnorm(A,[],-inf) = [3 1 2];
% % Error: Use the inf type and not the string 'inf'
% vnorm(A,[],'inf') % Wrong
% vnorm(A,[],inf) % Correct


Winston Smith (2024). Vector norm (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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バージョン 公開済み リリース ノート

Improved help with examples and special cased the 1-norm.