Halo Orbit Design using Richardson's Algorithm
バージョン 1.0.0 (6.2 KB) 作成者:
David Eagle
MATLAB script for creating graphic displays of Halo orbits in the circular-restricted, three-body problem.
Orbit displays are centered at the selected libration poimt. The x-y plane is the plane of motion of the primary (larger) body about the secondary (smaller) body. the positive x-asis points away from the primary body. The z-axis is normal to the orbit plane and completes the right-handed, rotating (synodic) coordinate system.
Reference - Analytic Contruction of Periodic Orbits about the Collinear Points, Celestial Mechanics 22 (1980), 241-253.
Here is a typical user interaction with this MATLAB script.
< halo orbit design using Richardson's algorithm>
please select the libration point of interest
<1> halo orbit about L1
<2> halo orbit about L2
<3> halo orbit about L3
selection (1, 2, or 3)
? 1
please input the class type (1 = class I, 2 = class II)
? 1
please input the three-body system (1 = Earth-Moon, 2 = Sun-Earth
? 1
please input the z-amplitude in kilometers
? 12500
David Eagle (2024). Halo Orbit Design using Richardson's Algorithm (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/106840-halo-orbit-design-using-richardson-s-algorithm), MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.
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