
バージョン 1.0.0 (8.41 KB) 作成者: Magdy Hanna
% Objective: The direct batch generation of desired eigenvectors lying in % the eigenspace Ek of a unitary matrix.
ダウンロード: 0
更新 2022/2/12


function [UH, p] = dbeoap(k, r, U, P, mtol1)
% Method: Direct Batch Evaluation of optimal eigenvectors by a constrained
% Optimization Algorithm using the notion of Pseudoinverse (DBEOAP).
% Input arguments:
% k: the serial number of the eigenspace Ek (numbered starting from 1).
% r: the dimension of the eigenspace Ek.
% U: a matrix whose columns are approximate eigenvectors close to Ek.
% P: the orthogonal projection matrix of the eigenspace Ek.
% mtol1: Multiplying factor of the tolerance. (tol = mtol * eps)
% Output argument:
% UH: the desired orthonormal eigenvectors lying in the eigenspace Ek.
% (The matrices U and UH have the same size).
% p: rank of matrix WSQUARE.


Magdy Hanna (2024). dbeoap (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/106640-dbeoap), MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

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作成: R2021b
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