Random Integers With a Specified Sum and Range

バージョン 1.0.0 (5.2 KB) 作成者: DGM
Generate random integers with specified sum and parameters from various distributions.
ダウンロード: 7
更新 2022/2/4


The function randisum() can draw random integers from a specified distribution, subject to user-specified sum and boundary constraints. Supported distributions are 'uniform', 'skew', 'exponential', and 'gaussian'.
Consider the simplistic example:
% Subdivide a vector into 10 randomly-sized blocks
x = 1:100;
blocksizes = randisum(5,numel(x),[1 10]);
xc = mat2cell(x,1,blocksizes);
I make no claims that these are particularly efficient, robust, or statistically meaningful ways to solve this problem.
Webdocs for randisum():
These tools are part of the MIMT:


DGM (2024). Random Integers With a Specified Sum and Range (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/106185-random-integers-with-a-specified-sum-and-range), MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

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作成: R2019b
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