Power Factor Correction using Boost Converter

バージョン 1.0.0 (46.3 KB) 作成者: ARJUN TM
Unity Power Factor Rectifier using Boost Converter
ダウンロード: 879
更新 2022/1/10


Unity Power Factor Rectifier or Active power factor correction using Boost Converter
Design Parameters
Line_Voltage_Peak = 120*sqrt(2); Input Voltage Peak to the Full Bridge Rectifier [V]
f_line = 60; Power line frequency [Hz]
Voref = 400; Desired Output Voltage from PFC Preconverter [V]
Power = 1e3; Maximum steady state power capability [W]
R = 200; Arbitrary resistive load [Ohms]
del_V = 10; Peak-Peak Output Voltage Ripple [V]
IndCurrRipple = 8; nductor Current Ripple [%]
Conv_efficiency = 92; Nominal efficiency of the preconverter [%]
f_sw = 50e3; MOSFET Switching Frequency [Hz]
Ts = 1/(100*f_sw); Sampling time for the plant [sec]
Tsc = 1/(50*f_sw); Sampling time for the controller [sec]
t_holdup = 16.6e-3; Minimum hold up time for a minimum output voltage of 340V [sec]
I_Kp = 0.15; Proportional Gain of the Inner Current Loop contoller
I_Ki = 15; Integral Gain of the Inner Current Loop contoller
V_Kp = 0.01; Proportional Gain of the Outer Voltage Loop contoller
V_Ki = 10; Integral Gain of the Outer Voltage Loop contoller
Converter Design
Duty = (Voref-Line_Voltage_Peak)/Voref;
I_in_peakmax = 2*(Power/(Conv_efficiency*0.01))/Line_Voltage_Peak;
Filter Inductance
del_I = (IndCurrRipple/100)*I_in_peakmax;
L = (Line_Voltage_Peak*Duty)/(f_sw*del_I);
Filter Capacitance
C = max((2*Power*t_holdup)/((Voref)^2-340^2),Power/(2*pi*f_line*del_V*Voref));
Siddharth Jawahar (2021). Active Power Factor Correction (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/69653-active-power-factor-correction), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved December 31, 2021.
S. K. Sahoo and H. R. Jariwala, "A new power factor correction technique using PFC boost converter," 2012 11th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, 2012, pp. 819-823, doi: 10.1109/EEEIC.2012.6221488.


ARJUN TM (2024). Power Factor Correction using Boost Converter (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/104835-power-factor-correction-using-boost-converter), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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作成: R2020b
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