Met-ocean data extraction with NORA3

バージョン 1.2 (4.87 MB) 作成者: E. Cheynet
Hourly 2D wave spectra and instantaneous wave field from WINDSURFER/NORA3 (3 km grid) database are extracted using the OPeNDAP framework.
ダウンロード: 73
更新 2022/7/3

Met-ocean data extraction with NORA3

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Hourly 2D wave spectra and instantaneous wave field from WINDSURFER/NORA3 (3 km grid) hindcast are extracted using the OPeNDAP framework.


The repository contains:

  • The function windsurfer.m which gets the metocean conditions for a specific time and location
  • The function get2DSS.m, which gets the directional wave spectra
  • The file world.mat, which contains the coordinates of coastlines. This file is used for visualization purpose only.
  • The Matlab livescript Documentation_gridded_data.mlx, which illustrates the use of windsurfer.m.
  • The Matlab livescript Documentation_wave_spectra.mlx, which illustrates the use of get2DSS.m

The repository is unlikely bug-free, so if you have any question or comment, please ask!


E. Cheynet (2024). Met-ocean data extraction with NORA3 (, GitHub. 取得済み .

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2020b
R2017b 以降のリリースと互換性あり
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