Tutorials using Alexnet to detect digits
バージョン 1.0.1 (203 MB) 作成者:
Sudharsana Iyengar
Using Alexnet to detect digits.
This is a demonstration of detecting handwritten digits using Alexnet architechture.
The entire learning training and detecting is coded into a single mlx file.
For faster execution, the training and detecting part could be seperated into m files and excuted independently.
Data Source: https://github.com/sudhainstein/Data-for-digit-recognition
Sudharsana Iyengar (2024). Tutorials using Alexnet to detect digits (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/100621-tutorials-using-alexnet-to-detect-digits), MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.
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