
バージョン 3.0.0 (7 MB) 作成者: Olivier
This custom toolbox contains a library to interface with ED247 communication protocol. ED247 is a communication standard defined by EUROCAE.
ダウンロード: 268
更新 2021/12/20

Simulink ​support for ED247 communication standard

The "Simulink ​support for ED247 communication standard" enables ED247 communication inside a Simulink models.

It provides Simulink blocks in a library to send and receive data in various formats (A429, A664, A825, NAD, VNAD, Analogic, Discrete).

It allows ED247 communication in Simulink models both in simulation and real-time with Speedgoat test bench.


  1. Open project in MATLAB
  2. Configure dependencies
    1. Create configuration variable
    2. Set ED247 library installation folder
    3. (Windows) Set MinGW64 installation folder
    4. Save configuration
config = ed247.Configuration.default();
config.ED247 = "<ed247_installation folder>";
config.MinGW = "<mingw64_installation_root_folder>";

Additional information about set up

MathWorks Products (

Requires MATLAB release R2020b or newer

Optional (for Real-Time execution on Speedgoat)

3rd Party Products:



Before proceeding, ensure that the below products are installed:

Compile S-Function

S-Function can be compiled using the following command:


Deployment Steps

Speedgoat execution

  1. Configure model for deployment on Speedgoat
    • Set solver type to Fixed-Step (Configuration Parameters -> Solver -> Solver Type)
    • Select slrealtime.tlc (Configuration Parameters -> Code Generation -> System Target File)
  2. Compile executable
  1. Download and execute
    1. Open Simulink Real-Time Explorer
    2. Connect development computer (host) to Speedgoat target
    3. Load application (.mldatx)
    4. Run application

Custom toolbox

Following commands will test, compile and package source code into a MATLAB custom toolbox which allows an easy sharing of Simulink ​support for ED247 communication standard

p = ci.Pipeline.forFolder();

Getting Started

Information about Getting Started

  1. Create a Simulink model
  2. Add ED247 configuration block to model by either:
    • Type "ED247 Configuration" in the model
    • Open Simulink Library Browser and navigate to library "ED247"

Unit tests

Unit tests are located in tests/ folder. Unit tests can be run using following command:

p = ci.Pipeline.forFolder();



To learn how to use this in testing workflows, see Examples.

Each example is stored in a folder which contains a Simulink model and XML configuration files (ECIC and ICD).

  • receiveA429 : Receive ARINC 429 messages
  • sendA429 : Send ARINC 429 messages
  • receiveNAD : Receive Non-Avionic data


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Community Support

MATLAB Central

Copyright 2021 The MathWorks, Inc.


Olivier (2024). Simulink-Target-support-for-ED247 (, GitHub. 取得済み .

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作成: R2020b
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