Problem 45884. Algorithmic Trading - 3 (short selling and leverage)
This is the third of a series of problems on quant trading. It builds on earlier problems 45776 and 45860
Similar to problem 45860, allowing short-selling and leverage. Check <> and <>
Use a fractional trading strategy, allowing short selling and leverage, as follows:
- Each day invest fraction E of the available funds, with -2 <= E <= 3
- This is referred as a limit of 3x leverage on long positions, and 2x leverage on short positions
You are given
- P, a [n x 1] vector of daily prices of the traded security, at market open (always positive)
- S, a [n x 1] vector of trading signals, calculated just ahead of market open (can take any real value)
- These will serve both as training and test set
Your function should return
- t, a scalar threshold that determines the state of the trading signal S
- E, a 2 x 1 vector of security exposures in each state, i.e.: invest a fraction E(1) of the available equity when S(i) < t, and a fraction E(2) when S(i) >= t, with -2 <= E(k) <= 3, for any k
- The array of daily returns can be calculated by R = D.*E(1+(S(1:end-1)>=t))'
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on 22 Nov 2020
Test suite fixed
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