30 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
RX Ragul
RX Ragul 2021 年 4 月 22 日
編集済み: Edgar Rosa 2022 年 5 月 18 日
function read_comtrade
%% Comtrade Reader function
% This file is designed to decode the data stored in COMTRADE format,
% as defined in IEEE C37.111-1999. This involves the opening of two files,
% one containing the configuration (.cfg) information and the other
% the data (.dat).
% COMTRADE provides a common format for the data files and exchange medium
% needed for the interchange of various types of fault, test, or simulation
% data.
%% open the comtrade files & extract the data
% read_comtrade(filename)
% Imports data from the specified file
% filename: files to read <filename>.cfg and <filename>.dat
% Auto-generated by MATLAB on 12-Jul-2007 13:45:45
% Use the uigetfile function to load the .cfg file, which is then used to
% load the associated .dat file
% First, get the .cfg file information
[CfgFileName,Path] = uigetfile('*.cfg');
PathAndCfgName =[Path CfgFileName];
% Derive the .dat file string
DatFileName = strcat(sscanf(CfgFileName,'%1s',length(CfgFileName)-4), '.dat');
PathAndDatName =[Path DatFileName];
% Store the file name (minus extension) and path in the workspace
assignin('base','Path', Path);
assignin('base','FileName', sscanf(CfgFileName,'%1s',length(CfgFileName)-4));
% Now open the .cfg and .dat files
cfg_id = fopen(PathAndCfgName);
dat_id = fopen(PathAndDatName);
% Scan the text into local cells cfg and dat.
cfg = textscan(cfg_id, '%s', 'delimiter', '\n');
dat = textscan(dat_id, '%s', 'delimiter', '\n');
% close all open files, as we're done with them now.
%% start to decode the data
cfg_len = length(cfg{1,1});
cfg_string = cell(size(cfg));
for i = 1:cfg_len
temp_string = char(cfg{1,1}{i});
cfg_string(i) = textscan(temp_string, '%s', 'Delimiter', ',')';
% Comtrade File Identifier
Title = char(cfg_string{1,1}(1));
% Comtrade Version
if length(cfg_string{1,1}) < 3 %#ok<ISMT>
Version = '1999';
Version = char(cfg_string{1,1}(3));
% Channel information: total, analogues and digitals
No_Ch = strread(char(cfg_string{1,2}(1)));
Ana_Ch = strread(char(cfg_string{1,2}(2)));
Dig_Ch = strread(char(cfg_string{1,2}(3)));
% Data length, i.e. no of samples
dat_len = strread(char(cfg_string{1,5+No_Ch}(2)));
% Nominal frequency
frequency = strread(char(cfg_string{1,3+No_Ch}(1)));
% Sampling rate
samp_rate = strread(char(cfg_string{1,5+No_Ch}(1)));
% Record started
start_date = char(cfg_string{1,6+No_Ch}(1));
start_time = char(cfg_string{1,6+No_Ch}(2));
% Record ended
end_date = char(cfg_string{1,7+No_Ch}(1));
end_time = char(cfg_string{1,7+No_Ch}(2));
%% Now write the data to the workspace
dat_string = cell(size(dat));
data = zeros(dat_len, No_Ch+2);
% Now extract the data
for i = 1:dat_len
dat_string(i) = textscan(char(dat{1,:}(i)), '%n', 'Delimiter', ',');
data(i,:) = (dat_string{:,i});
% extract the timestamps, scaled to seconds from microseconds
t = (data(:,2)) * 1e-6;
% Write the data to the workspace
assignin('base','t', t);
var_string = cell(No_Ch);
% All channels are extracted here, but the analogues still need scaling
for i = 1 : No_Ch
j = i + 2;
var_string{i} = char(textscan(char(cfg_string{1,j}(2)),'%c'));
% If the first character is not a letter, replace with an 'x'. This is
% to satisfy the naming requirements for the workspace.
if ~isletter(var_string{i}(1))
var_string{i}(1) = 'x';
% If any character is not a letter or number, replace with an '_'. This is
% to satisfy the naming requirements for the workspace.
for k = 2:length(var_string{i})
if ~isstrprop(var_string{i}(k), 'alphanum')
var_string{i}(k) = '_';
assignin('base', var_string{i}, data(:,j));
%% Write the remainaing config information to the workspace
assignin('base','Title', Title);
assignin('base','Version', Version);
assignin('base','Total_Channels', No_Ch);
assignin('base','Analogue_Channels', Ana_Ch);
assignin('base','Digital_Channels', Dig_Ch);
assignin('base','Frequency', frequency);
assignin('base','Sample_rate', samp_rate);
assignin('base','Start_date', start_date);
assignin('base','Start_time', start_time);
assignin('base','End_date', end_date);
assignin('base','End_time', end_time);
% assignin('base','config', (cfg_string'));
%% Now let's post-process the data to produce the final waveforms
hold off;
close all;
if Ana_Ch >= 1
dat = zeros(dat_len, Ana_Ch+2);
% step through the data configuration
for i = 1 : Ana_Ch
j = i + 2;
% Limit the range of the result
min_level = strread(char(cfg_string{1,j}(9)));
max_level = strread(char(cfg_string{1,j}(10)));
% The value is scaled by the equation [aX + b]
multiplier = strread(char(cfg_string{1,j}(6))); % a
offset = strread(char(cfg_string{1,j}(7))); % b
% Lower limit check
if data(:,j) <= min_level
data(:,j) = min_level;
% Upper limit check
if data(:,j) >= max_level
data(:,j) = max_level;
dat(:,i) = data(:,j) * multiplier + offset;
% If the Primary and Secondary scaling information is present,
% apply that too
if length(cfg_string{1,j}) > 10
pri_scaling = strread(char(cfg_string{1,j}(11)));
sec_scaling = strread(char(cfg_string{1,j}(12)));
pri_sec = char(cfg_string{1,j}(13));
if pri_sec == 'P'
dat(:,i) = dat(:,i) * pri_scaling;
dat(:,i) = dat(:,i) * sec_scaling;
assignin('base', var_string{i}, dat(:,i));
%% And finally, plot the results.
% Analogues in multiple subplots (V, I, Other) in first figure.
% Digitals in 8 subplots per figure
if No_Ch >= 1
% Initialise local variables
colour = 'null';
colour_v = 'null';
colour_i = 'null';
colour_x = 'null';
no_plots = 1;
count = 9;
sub_plot = 1;
% Pops up a menu dialog, allowing the user to choose which plots to
% display
x = menu('What do you want to plot?','Nothing','Analogue Channels','Digital Channels','All Channels');
switch (x)
% Don't plot anything
case 1
start_count = 1;
target_count = 1;
% Analogue channels only
case 2
start_count = 1;
target_count = Ana_Ch;
% Digital channels only
case 3
start_count = Ana_Ch + 1;
target_count = No_Ch;
% Analogue & digital channesl
case 4
start_count = 1;
target_count = No_Ch;
% Default case - will never happen
start_count = -1;
target_count = -1;
if x > 1
% Only need to work out the number of plots if we're going to plot
% the analogue channels
if x == 2 || x == 4
for i = 1 : Ana_Ch
j = i + 2;
% scan data types. This way we know how many graphs to plot in the analogues figure.
switch char(cfg_string{1,j}(5))
case 'V'
case 'A'
if no_plots < 2
no_plots = 2;
if no_plots < 3
no_plots = 3;
figure(1);hold on;
p = cell(No_Ch,1);
% Scan through the data and plot.
for i = start_count : target_count
j = i + 2;
if i <= Ana_Ch
% Plot the analogue channels
switch char(cfg_string{1,j}(5))
case 'V'
colour_v = get_colour(colour_v);
colour = colour_v;
sub_plot = 1;
case 'A'
colour_i = get_colour(colour_i);
colour = colour_i;
sub_plot = 2;
colour_x = get_colour(colour_x);
colour = colour_x;
sub_plot = 3;
hold on;
subplot(no_plots, 1, sub_plot), p{1,1}(i) = plot(t, evalin('base', var_string{i}), 'color', colour);
% Plot the digital channels.
if count > 8
figure(); hold on;
sub_plot = 1;
count = 1;
colour = 'null';
colour = get_colour(colour);
subplot(8, 1, sub_plot), p{1} = plot(t, evalin('base', var_string{i}), 'color', colour);
sub_plot = sub_plot + 1;
count = count + 1;
% Read the current legend
y = get(legend, 'string');
% Append the new item to the legend for this plot.
legend_string = char(cfg_string{1,j}(2));
legend(p{i,1},[y, legend_string]);
%% Colour function
% Steps through the colour palette in a defined order. Traditionally power
% systems use Red Yellow Blue for the 3 phase representation of waveforms.
function new_colour = get_colour(colour)
switch colour
case 'null'
new_colour = 'red';
case 'red'
new_colour = 'yellow';
case 'yellow'
new_colour = 'blue';
case 'blue'
new_colour = 'green';
case 'green'
new_colour = 'cyan';
case 'cyan'
new_colour = 'magenta';
case 'magenta'
new_colour = 'black';
case 'black'
new_colour = 'red';
new_colour = 'red';
This the code that I took from Mathworks. But I am getting several errors. Can someone help me in debugging this code. I have attached the mandatory files

回答 (1 件)

Edgar Rosa
Edgar Rosa 2022 年 5 月 18 日
編集済み: Edgar Rosa 2022 年 5 月 18 日


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