Reading Multiple Editable Text Boxes without the App Designer
1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
So for a project that I am doing that requires programmatic GUI development (I cannot use the App Designer), I am trying to write a program that can read single letter inputs from multiple editable text boxes and put them into an array to be used later on. I found some code posted by Walter Roberson in 2013 that successfully created the boxes using a for loop, but now i don't know how to read the inputs in the boxes.
Here is the part that creates the text boxes:
np1 = 5;
editp1 = zeros(np1,1);
for K = 1:np1
editp1(K) = uicontrol( 'Style', 'edit', 'Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [(0.1+((K-1)*0.04)) 0.7 0.04 0.07]);
How would i program a push button to write the inputs of the text boxes into an array at the push of said button? I know it will use a callback function but i have no idea what that would look like nor what outputs would go on the button code itself.
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