How Do I Breakout and Store 2 Time Values In The Same String?
1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
I’ve got a text file that contains hundreds of state times such as these:
State Time: 12:00:00.123 (43200.123)
State Time: 12:00:01.456 (43200.456)
State Time: 12:00:02.789 (43200.789)
I’m using the following commands to read the text file and define the pattern required for the REGEXP function:
buffer = fileread(OAMfilename);
exp = 'State Time:\s+([\d\:\.+\s+(\d.+)]+)';
ST = regexp(buffer, exp,'tokens');
This results in the following '<1x2 cell>':
'12:00:00.123 (43200.123)' '12:00:01.000 (43201.456)'
My goal is to have the 24-hour time and UTC times stored in separate cells (with no parentheses) for future processing/plotting purposes. Is this possible using my current approach?
0 件のコメント
Kelly Kearney
2013 年 6 月 18 日
In order to capture different parts of an expression, put those parts in parentheses (note in the example below the difference between |\(|, which matches a parentheses, and plain |(|, which begins a group and token.
str = {...
'State Time: 12:00:00.123 (43200.123)'
'State Time: 12:00:01.456 (43200.456)'
'State Time: 12:00:02.789 (43200.789)'};
str = sprintf('%s\n', str{:});
tok = regexp(str, 'State Time:\s+(\d+:\d+:[\d\.]+)\s+\(([\d\.]+)\)', 'tokens');
tok = cat(1, tok{:});
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