
How can I take multiple 2-d vectors and make a 3-d plot?

2 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Kim 2013 年 5 月 9 日
I'm working on radiation pattern data. And I can calculate the azimuth and elevation radiation patterns based on standard antenna illumination patterns.
For instance a cosine illumination pattern would be:
function [yLin, yLog] = cosine(u, uMax, Gb_lin, e_f) % cosine(u, uMax, Gb_lin, e_f) gives the cosine illumination %{ The cosine illumination pattern starts to lower the sidelobes without too much increase in the beam width. The sidelobes are about -23 dB relative to the peak of the main beam.
Kim Caldwell,
N2i Systems LLC
April 2013
% K_theta2 = 1.188965; % Beamwidth constant for illum - don't think I need.
F_s2 = cos(pi .* u) ./ (1-(2 .* u).^2); % Voltage pattern
% Trap for stuff outside p/m 90 degrees. for i = 1:length(u) if abs(u(i)) < (uMax * 0.5) F_s2(i) = e_f .* F_s2(i); else F_s2(i) = Gb_lin; end end
yLin = F_s2; % for linear illum return
yLog = 2 * Lin2dB(abs(yLin)); % For illum return in dB.
So, if I used the above cosine illumination function for both the azimuth and elevation patterns how can I take those two vectors and make an X/Y/Z matrix for three d plotting?

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