I have trained a SqueezeNet neural network, using MATLAB Deep Network Designer and now I want to quantize the network for fixed-point applications.
but I get the following error:
Error using dlquantizer
Unable to resolve the name dltargets.internal.validateNetwork.
Error in deepNetQuant (line 9)
quantObj = dlquantizer(net);
The code I'm running is as follows;
net = trainedNetwork_2
imds = trafficSignImds;
[calData, valData] = splitEachLabel(imds, 0.8, 'randomized')
aug_calData = augmentedImageDatastore([227 227], calData)
aug_valData = augmentedImageDatastore([227 227], valData)
quantObj = dlquantizer(net);
calResults = calibrate(quantObj, aug_calData);
Can someone please help access/use the quantizer?