error using ginput in matlab code

5 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Sat m
Sat m 2013 年 4 月 26 日
this is my code, and evevrytime i compile it, it shows error using ginput
%%Read in two images
l = imread('pic410.bmp');
r = imread('pic430.bmp');
%%display image pair side by side
[ROWS, COLS, CHANNELS] = size(l);
disimg = [l r];
% number of control points
Nc = 10;
% Total Number of test points
Nt = 4;
%%After several runs, you may want to save the point matches
%%in files (see below and then load them here, instead of
%%clicking many point matches every time you run the program
%%load pl.mat pl;
%%load pr.mat pr;
%%interface for picking up both the control points and
%%the test points
cnt = 1;
while(cnt <= Nc+Nt)
%%size of the rectangle to indicate point locations
dR = 50;
dC = 50;
%%pick up a point in the left image and display it with a rectangle....
%%%if you loaded the point matches, comment the point picking up (3 lines)%%%
[X, Y] = ginput(1);
Cl = X(1); Rl = Y(1);
pl(cnt,:) = [Cl Rl 1];
%%and draw it
Cl= pl(cnt,1); Rl=pl(cnt,2);
rectangle('Curvature', [0 0], 'Position', [Cl Rl dC dR]);
%%and then pick up the correspondence in the right image
%%%if you loaded the point matches, comment the point picking up (three lines)%%%
[X, Y] = ginput(1);
Cr = X(1); Rr = Y(1);
pr(cnt,:) = [Cr-COLS Rr 1];
%%draw it
Cr=pr(cnt,1)+COLS; Rr=pr(cnt,2);
rectangle('Curvature', [0 0], 'Position', [Cr Rr dC dR]);
cnt = cnt+1;
this is the error
Error using ginput (line 112)
Interrupted by figure deletion
Error in a4 (line 35)
[X, Y] = ginput(1);
please let me know who to solve this

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