
i am working on handwritten character recognition using matlab,i want to know how can i train the neural network for alphabets, how can i generate the database for the neural network

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
Hello All,
i am working on handwritten character recognition using matlab, i got the sample code from the file exchange of mathworks, but it is only for numbers but how about alphabets, i am not able know whether i have change in data.mat to oget required output, i understood the concept but not getting where to change the database, to know how can i train the neural network for alphabets, how can i generate the database for the neural network from the link http://www.mathworks.in/matlabcentral/fileexchange/8676-character-recognition-example-iiitraining-a-simple-nn-for-classification
  4 件のコメント
Greg Heath
Greg Heath 2013 年 3 月 16 日
Q: If I need a database of handwritten English signatures, should I use a search engine or just submit a post to ANSWERS with the title
" I have to recognise handwritten english alphabets "
A: I don't know, that's a tough one ... may I get back to you on that?
Greg Heath
Greg Heath 2013 年 3 月 18 日
My point is:
I prefer a title that tells you exactly what is in the post. For example:
Title : Where can I find a data base of handwritten English alphabets?


回答 (2 件)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2013 年 3 月 11 日
For algorithm reasearch, see Vision Bibliography. When you have MATLAB programming/syntax questions, or error messages, come back with full details.
  2 件のコメント
Sandeep 2013 年 3 月 16 日
http://www.mathworks.in/matlabcentral/fileexchange/8676-character-recognition-example-iiitraining-a-simple-nn-for-classification, it is the link where i got the code, i just want to know how can i train the neural network for the alphabets thats it
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2013 年 3 月 16 日
I'm not the Neural Network guy here. Ask the author of your code, or perhaps Greg will see your question. I've tagged it Neural Networks.


Mohamed Heggi
Mohamed Heggi 2021 年 1 月 10 日
i am working on a car plate number recognition system , and my problem is how to create a dataset for my own language (not english ).


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