Translate imfeature to regionprops

3 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Simon Dussault
Simon Dussault 2013 年 2 月 7 日
Hi, i got this old line of code and i want to use it without losing its logical structure:
f = imfeature(imgN,'BoundingBox','Centroid','Extent','Eccentricity',4);
How do i translate that with regionprops? i know that this line doesnt work:
f = regionprops(imgN,'BoundingBox','Centroid','Extent','Eccentricity',4);
can i still declare my 4 connected objects with regionprops?
Thank you


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2013 年 2 月 7 日
You don't use the final 4 argument, but other than that it should work fine.
I don't know what "can i still declare my 4 connected objects" means. You don't declare them - they are simply in your binary image (what they called imgN - a poor, non-descriptive choice of name for a variable, just like "f"). If you want to extract just 4 blobs, based on some criteria, from the larger total number of blobs then you can do that. See my Image Segmentation Tutorial, BlobsDemo if you want to see how.

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