
Is there a way to convert table columns and terms into regular numbers?

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
Jingyu Yang
Jingyu Yang 2020 年 8 月 22 日
回答済み: Steven Lord 2020 年 8 月 22 日
I made Table set from excel file.
Timeline = readtable('Timeline.xlsx');
Lidar_DeltaT = Timeline(2, 6);
Lidar_Distance= readtimetable('Lidar Cycle.txt');
Lidar_Distance.Time = Lidar_Distance.Time + seconds(Lidar_DeltaT);
Timeline(2, 6)'s number value is 1
I want to make
"Lidar_Distance.Time = Lidar_Distance.Time + seconds(Lidar_DeltaT);"
line has same meaning of the line
"Lidar_Distance.Time = Lidar_Distance.Time + seconds(1);"
But It occurs an error. What should I do?

回答 (1 件)

Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2020 年 8 月 22 日
You haven't showed us the text of the error, but I'm guessing it was:
Error using seconds (line 19)
Input data must be a real, numeric array.
Using parentheses to index into a table array (like Timeline) returns a smaller table.
Using curly braces to index into a table array returns the contents of those elements of the table.
Using dot to retrieve a variable from a table array returns the contents of that variable.
t = table(123)
s1 = seconds(t(1, 1)) % Throws an error
s2 = seconds(t{1, 1}) % Works
s3 = seconds(t.Var1) % Also works
If that's not the text of the error, please show the full and exact text of the error (all the text displayed in red in the Command Window.)


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