
Error: In an assignment A(:) = B, the number of elements in A and B must be the same.

2 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Can someone please help me to correct the above mentioned problem in the following matlab code ?
T = 5; %period
sample = 44100*20; % samples
period = 4; %required number of periods
SinglePeriod = linspace (0, T, 44100*5 + 1); %single period
SinglePeriod(end) = []; %time vetor
t = linspace(0, T*period, sample+1); %time vector required
t(end) = [];
s3 = zeros(1, period);
s3(SinglePeriod >= 0 & SinglePeriod < 2.5) = ((A*SinglePeriod)/4);
s3(SinglePeriod >= 2.5 & SinglePeriod < 5) = (((-A*SinglePeriod)+(5*A))/4);
The 'entire' error message is:
In an assignment A(:) = B, the number of elements in A and B must be the same.
Error in mission (line 66)
s3(SinglePeriod >= 0 & SinglePeriod < 2.5) = ((A*SinglePeriod)/4);


KSSV 2020 年 8 月 20 日
T = 5; %period
sample = 44100*20; % samples
period = 4; %required number of periods
SinglePeriod = linspace (0, T, 44100*5 + 1); %single period
SinglePeriod(end) = []; %time vetor
t = linspace(0, T*period, sample+1); %time vector required
t(end) = [];
s3 = zeros(1, period);
s3(SinglePeriod >= 0 & SinglePeriod < 2.5) = ((A*SinglePeriod(SinglePeriod >= 0 & SinglePeriod < 2.5))/4);
s3(SinglePeriod >= 2.5 & SinglePeriod < 5) = (((-A*SinglePeriod(SinglePeriod >= 2.5 & SinglePeriod < 5))+(5*A))/4);

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