
A question about xPC Target stand alone

7 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
hong feng
hong feng 2013 年 1 月 4 日
Hi, I am a newer on xpc target stand alone, when i was refering to the matlab help about the xpc target stand alone. i met some question on which i was not sure whether i had got the correct understanding, and my understanding is as followed: when i have transfer the files i builded to the target computer, i should remove the boot disk which boots the kernel on the target computer and boot the target computer to the DOS system. in the dos system, i should: 1 save a copy of autoexec.bat; 2 edit the target computer file C:\autoexec.bat to include the following lines:cd C:\xpcfiles autoexec.
but my problem is: 1 and as i have not an experience on dos, could anybody give me favour on the dos command about the tow steps above. 2 i can not find the autoexec.bat file in the C:\ when i start my computer to xp system.
thanks very much!
  1 件のコメント
hong feng
hong feng 2013 年 1 月 4 日
Is there anybody who can help me?



Ryan G
Ryan G 2013 年 1 月 4 日
You can do the copying/editing in windows before you boot in DOS. As long as the files are correct, it shouldn't matter where the editing took place.
The autoexec.bat file should be in a subdirectory from where you built your xPC on the original machine.
  2 件のコメント
hong feng
hong feng 2013 年 1 月 5 日
thanks for you answers, and i have change file named AUTOEXEC.BAT located in C:\, but my target computer can not run still because i met new problems. When the Dos system run the tow command "cd C:\xpcfiles" and "autoexec",the system return some information below: "RTTarget-32 DOS Boot Utility 5.23(c) 1996,2011 On Time Informatik GmbH Cannot boot RTTarget-32 from Virtual 8086 mode" do you know what's the meanning for these, and how can solve this problem? thank you very much.
Ryan G
Ryan G 2013 年 1 月 7 日
Are you running through a virtual machine? Are you running DOS through windows? You have to make sure to boot the PC in DOS Only mode.


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