How to avoid Matlab inbuilt functions when executing F11 command to understand the code step by step?

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
Hi everyone,
I am trying to undestand a complex Object Oriented Program (OOP) code in Matlab. I am using break points and executing F11 command to understand the code step by step. The problem is, I already have nearly 50 classes and added to that it is opening matlab inbuilt functions. Is there any way to avoid the matlab inbuilt functions? and also I am new to Matlab OOP. Can someone suggest me some tipps to break down the code in a smart way and understand it easily?
Thanks in Advance

回答 (1 件)

per isakson
per isakson 2020 年 4 月 2 日
"Is there any way to avoid the matlab inbuilt functions?" Alternately use F11 and F10. I guess it's possible to write a conditional Step Into function, but I doubt it would be useful.
"break down [organize?] the code in a smart way and understand it easily" Isn't that what OOD is about. In that respect Matlab OOP doesn't differ much from other OO-languages. "I am new to Matlab OOP" but not to OO, since you added the tag, C++(?)


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