
Calculate multiple means in table by column indices

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
Robin Schäfer
Robin Schäfer 2020 年 3 月 6 日
コメント済み: Robin Schäfer 2020 年 3 月 6 日
Hello community,
I want to calculate means of several parameters in my table according to row indices. Here is what my table now looks like:
Subject Phase Time Par1 Par2 Par3 ...
__________________ ___________________ ____________ _____________ ______ _____________ _____________
{'Name1' } {'Phase1' } {'00:17:05'} 1614.7 1.1787 136.33 ...
{'Name2' } {'Phase1' } {'00:17:05'} 496.2 1.091 35.379 ...
{'Name1' } {'Phase2' } {'00:15:05'} 1535.4 1.2158 127.32 ...
{'Name2' } {'Phase2' } {'00:15:05'} 1084.9 1.1678 82.798 ...
... % 98x9 table
The output should be a table:
Phase Time Par1 Par2 Par3 ...
___________________ ____________ _____________ ______ _____________ _____________
{'Phase1' } {'00:17:05'} % mean values of all subjects in Phase1 ...
{'Phase2' } {'00:15:05'} % mean values of all subjects in Phase2 ...
... % 98x9 table
I calculated the mean with varfun of a single parameter (see underneath). However, I think there has to be a simple solution calculating the mean of multiple parameters without using for-loops and merging the output...


Guillaume 2020 年 3 月 6 日
編集済み: Guillaume 2020 年 3 月 6 日
newtable = groupsummary(yourtable, {'Phase', 'Time'}, 'mean', 4:width(yourtable)) %mean of all but the first 3 variables, grouped by Phase and Time
Hopefully your table is not called Table but something more descriptive.
  1 件のコメント
Robin Schäfer
Robin Schäfer 2020 年 3 月 6 日
Thank you for your very fast response! Works fine! I've renamed everything for this post and names are more precise in my functions =)


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