why is plot from workspace(using load command ) is slow ?

2 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
tomer polsky
tomer polsky 2019 年 12 月 24 日
コメント済み: tomer polsky 2019 年 12 月 24 日
Hi I want to plot data from workspace (using the load command ) ,but for some reason the plot is very slow and then matlab gets stuck , why is that ?
I uploaded the workspace file,and the code I display here :
I_real=real_data_ADC*(19.6e-3)/(100*15e-3); %%real current
real_data_IN_driver=ADC_data_lim43.real_data_IN_driver; %% real gate signal
t=(1/f_RD_not)*(1:length(real_data_IN_driver)); %% time
plot(t,I_real,' red -- d ','linewidth',1); %% plot--> of I_real
hold on ;
plot(t,dec_limit*(19.6e-3)/(100*15e-3)*ones(size(t)),' black ','linewidth',3); %% plot--> of boundery limit
hold on ;
plot(t,100*(19.6e-3)/(100*15e-3)*real_data_IN_driver*ones(size(t)),' blue -- O ','linewidth',1); %% plot--> comperator output
title([' I_1(t) from ADC , Boundery Limit Current=' num2str(dec_limit*(19.6e-3)/(100*15e-3)) '[A]']);
ylabel('I[A]');xlabel('time[ mSec]');grid on;
legend ('I_{real}','boundery limit','comperator output');
xlim([ 0 t(end)]); %% limits of the x axis
xticks([0:0.0002:t(end)]); %% jumps of X axis
ylim([ 0 max(I_real)]); %% limits of the y axis
yticks([ 0:0.1:max(I_real)]); %% jumps of Y axis
I also tried using opengl command and changed Software option to 'true' (it was 'false') but now it works even worse ...


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2019 年 12 月 24 日
That code involves a 2040 x 1 matrix, and the * operator, and ones(size(t)) is 1 x 2040 . So you have (2040 x 1) * (1 x 2040) and the result of that is a 2040 x 2040 matrix. You are therefore asking MATLAB to plot 2040 lines of 2040 elements each.
  1 件のコメント
tomer polsky
tomer polsky 2019 年 12 月 24 日
oh right ... my bad , thank you for your help .


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